Fire & Ice :: Limited Edition Print

January 1, 2012 / Illustrations, Portfolio / 0 Comments


~ Fire & Ice ~
Image and Poem By Brian C. Zickafoose © 2012

Over a valley of crystal in a distant mystic realm,
Shadows cast long and a day grows late.
A brazen beast props atop a lofty, frosty helm,
To gather his thoughts and ponder his fate.

He broods over truths from ages before,
To journey the path that his passions follow.
Fate’s wind fans embers of memories of yore,
And stirs fiery flora to flicker the hollow.

With a nod of the head, he resolves to take flight,
After a lengthy debate with his restive soul.
He knows in his heart he must fly by night,
If he ever hopes to achieve his goal.

His destiny’s quest is to find mysteries unknown,
In the land of legend his adventures begin.
A day will soon come to rest peaceful at home,
Until it’s time to fly high away again.